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Galapagos Islands Cruises

We will also visit Urbina Bay where we will see many giant tortoises in their nests. The third berth in Isabela Island will be Tagus a place where marines have left graffitis in its rocks from time immemorial. The oldest graffiti dates from 1836, engraved with a knife on the rock. We will climb the steep island; a ridge separates the Darwin lagoon from the sea. It is a gorgeous, round and blue water lagoon.

Galapagos Islands Cruises

We will cross the narrow strait between Isabela and Fernandina island. Both islands are still in the formation process and are active volcanoes. Then, we will disembark at Punta Espinosa where thousands and thousands of marine, black iguanas heat up themselves, sleep and meditate on the rocks, "Beware step on" the guide will warn you. The warning will be pertinent since the ground will be full of them.
Walking among them, if we get less than half a meter, they will spit on you, but don't worry, it is not harmful. Also, you will see red and beautiful Galapagos crabs, which abound in the rocks, and are less skittish than others crabs you find in other islands of the archipelago.
We will next visit Puerto Egas and Playa Flakes. Then, in Rabida Island as in other beaches from other islands, sea lions and their pups play together in the sand. The smooth and shiny skin, its long and slender shape makes them beautiful. Several mothers urse their young.
In Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island we will see a great area of petrified rocks. As the lava cools rocks have formed and you can see many of imaginable figures. On Genovesa Island find the famous and beautiful red-footed booby.

A memorable farewell dinner at Nemo Galapagos Tours

On the islands there are 13 species of Darwin finches and are found everywhere. The list of reptiles, mammals and especially endemic, native and migratory birds, is very large. The last night we will have a memorable farewell dinner at the Nemo II, a beautiful houseboat on the paradise where time itself seems to have stood still.
The respect to the islands must be total, people cannot even walk off the tracks.
From June to December marine mammals and land birds are at their peak, but any time is good to visit the islands.

galapagos cruises The archilelago, which became part of Ecuador in 1832, is located 970 kilometers from the mainland. The trip to the islands on board the Nemo II starts in Baltra island where you will go on board Nemo Galapagos boat cruise. It is an 8-days trip, sleeping on the boat, sailing at night and visiting the main islands during the day. By the time the tour is over, you will have had a full and exultant vision and impression of the Enchanted Islands, as they are also known as.
We will explore islands of just 2km2 from end to end. In such a small space of land you will see hundreds of blue-footed boobies, big yellow land iguanas and many frigates, whose male swollen red bag bearing under the peak in order to attract females. This will be like a baptism, a baptism of life, of proximity to the nature to the point of almost touching the impassive birds in their nests. And it would be like that every day... animals contemplate visitors and we will also contemplate them just delighted.


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